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Showing posts with label Leadership. Show all posts

15 July, 2020

Grief & Change

Grief Cycle.

 When I was Commanding Officer of the ARTD   Leadership School (ASLS) I sat in many times   on the presentation about grief.  One of the   reasons behind setting up ASLS was to change   the culture of Army training and to understand   the motivations and anxieties of modern 21st   Century Army recruits.  This presentation was   complemented by one that dealt with suicide   and self harm, which was pretty graphic.  It also   introduced the grief cycle.  This was developed   from the work of Kubler-Ross after she   published her book On Death and Dying in 1969. In July 2020 the BBC summarised her work and influence and that article is here.

Five Stages

This book which has come in for academic criticism is widely quoted as developing a system of 5 stages of grief.  This model, and models are only ways in which to simplify and then understand the real world, is usually presented as 5 stages.  Denial, Anger, Depression, Bargaining and Acceptance.  Notwithstanding the criticism many people find this a useful guide to understanding the process of grieving.  I certainly found it useful when bereaved and have suggested to others as a way of understanding the process they are going through.  Loss is a natural part of life and working life too and the modern leader has to deal with colleagues who have lost a loved one.  The Kubler-Ross model was adapted to wider circumstances of loss and this was another facet of the presentation that I mentioned at the beginning.  Failure in training happens as it does elsewhere in life, notably the Kubler-Ross model was applied to athletes that had suffered career ending injuries and trainers could use the adapted grief cycle to understand how to advise and counsel people who had failed at something major in the organization. 

In my view there is also a possible correllation to the stages of this with the key elements of Values Based Leadership.  I'll talk about that a bit more in another post.

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Grief and Change Models

You can use either of these models to identify where you and colleagues stand in relation to change or to get your communications right at the appropriate stage.  Any change causes anxiety amongst most colleagues whether they like admit it or not.  As a leader consider how you will communicate the change.  How much has already got into the public domain?  What has the rumor mill been saying?  The Wikipedia article on Kubler-Ross can be found here.

Not everyone has the same outlook

I was present at a briefing to all staff in 2009 about the closure of the barracks where we all worked.  Whilst there was clearly shock and some anger the mood was lightened at question time when a female employee got up and stated that she had arrived in 1971 and all her friends had advised her against the job as the rumor was that the barracks was due to close in 1972,  True to form it took nearly another 10 years before the place was emptied and handed over.

To finish with Kubler-Ross it is worth noting that there is a Foundation in her name and that this answers some of the criticism that has been levelled at the original model. On a practical level both versions of the model are useful, once the context of their development is understood, and they can be used by leaders to inform themselves of dealing with grief amongst colleagues in all of its forms.

23 June, 2020

Should leaders rely on hope?

Hope is not a strategy

I thought to start this blog with a standard piece about my thoughts on leadership but as these are more extraordinary times I decided instead to talk about hope. I recall reading the novels of the former Army Officer and now acclaimed author Allan Mallison and in one of these in the prologue he mentioned a former Commanding Officer of his telling him that “Hope is not a principle of war” a similar phrase such as – hope is not a strategy – will have been used countless times to shut down discussion and close off communication about a subject.  It is closely related to the put down of the hapless staff officer who says “I think” when briefing senior officers only to be told in no uncertain terms that they want to hear what they know rather than what they think.  I have been on both ends of that put down myself. I came across an article by Jeremy Weber about this and it started me thinking.

Mind the GAP

Eric Barker, best selling author, takes a slightly different view on hope in his blog, perhaps making it more into a vision, a destination that we can all aspire to even if we fall short.  He identifies the need for very specific Goals, the application of Agency actually having the will to complete then the creation of Pathways that visualise completion of the plan but in particular concentrate on identifying the obstacles and visualising ways around them.  Fill the GAP and become more hopeful he concludes.  There is a striking correlation with this approach to the GROW model  pioneered by the late Sir John Whitmore and this will be the subject of later posts.  The GAP model does appear to have a sound evidence base behind it too, which makes it an attractive proposition.

Sunlit Uplands

Winston Churchill in a radio address on 16 June 1940 as British Prime Minister used the concept of hope.  This was his third radio address to the nation and it was at a time when national disaster threatened.  Troops had been evacuated from France after the sweeping success of Nazi Blitzkrieg, this evacuation, Operation Dynamo, was a success but it left Britain in a precarious situation.  A quote from the broadcast is below:

If we can stand up to him [Hitler], all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.

Even at this dark time Churchill was positioning people for the struggle that would last another 5 years although he cautions

But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. 

So perhaps there is hope after all and although it may tempt fate to mention it in your next presentation in the C-suite the creation of a hopeful vision will help focus your goals and improve your resilience.